John Szarkowski ascertained through the works of Minor White and Robert Frank that there are two modes of photography and photographers: "those who believe that art is a mirror, reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it, and those who see it as a window, through which one may better know the world."
I believe I fall into the former's reflective gaze of self-searching through the camera's democratic opportunities. As a neurodivergent creative and an avid walker, the camera is a formidable tool to explore the world and through it myself. The tangible yet often invisible link between my internal and external landscapes drives most of my work. It reveals to me many sublayers beneath any general interest that causes me to engage with a subject.
A yearning to explore the dissonance of life and perhaps bring to it a resolve through the multiplicity and sequencing of images under conceptual guise and series is a constant quest for an ever-moving end goal that desires a physical form. The zine and photo book have become vital vessels to carry these forms of expression into the world and to give my photos a surface and tactile existence. 
To quote Daniel Blaufuks, "More and more, I am convinced that photography is not about shooting but about thinking."